Monday, January 11, 2010

Frequent Wireless Router Disconnections

Problem: Frequent wireless disconnections when laptops with different operating systems (windows 7, MAC, etc.) are connected to the router.

Solution: Upgrade the firmware of the router to the latest version.

Details: We use a WRT54G router and two laptops running Vista connect to this wireless router. We discovered that whenever a friend visits us and tries to connect his/her laptop which runs Windows 7/MAC OS, all the laptops connected to the router get disconnected for a short while and then reconnect before getting disconnected. This cycle continues until only two laptops use the router. We tried a lot of things and finally, upgrading the firmware of the router to the latest version worked. This might be because the older firmware version was released before Windows 7 was introduced.

Apparently, frequent wireless disconnections could also be due to various other factors such as hardware incompatibilities. But if you are facing this problem, there is no harm in trying to upgrade the firmware of your router. It is easy.

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